Spotify Linux - Now With PulseAudio Support.

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If you’re a Linux user and a paying customer to the great Spotify-service you nowdays have a native functional client,

  • With PulseAudio Support
  • With incicator-sound integration
  • All the other regular functions you would excpect out of a client.

Although this client works pretty much out of the box, there are some things that you may have to do by hand.

1) Since Spotify has been linked to to /usr/lib/ you must make sure that this file is in place, otherwise Spotify will use ALSA and you wont get a functional volume-control.

sudo ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/

2) To get the album-art in the indicator-sound-applet you must make sure that you have $HOME/.cache/indicators/sound/ in place, otherwise the applet wont be able to create a tmp-folder for its album-art. I’ve filed a bug on this matter, you can read about it here. Basically the creation of the folder is done without making sure the folders parents are in place (eg. mkdir /tmp/foo/bar instead of mkdir -p /tmp/foo/bar, the first method is fine if you can be sure that /tmp/foo will be there, the -p flag will create /tmp/foo first if missing).

mkdir $HOME/.cache/indicators/sound/album-art-cache

Spotify ftw.